
Search complex documents using and Elasticsearch vector database
Generative AIHow ToIntegrations

Search complex documents using and Elasticsearch vector database

Ingest and search complex proprietary documents with Unstructured and Elasticsearch vector database for RAG applications

Amy Ghate

Rishikesh Radhakrishnan

Hemant Malik

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Building RAG with Llama 3 open-source and Elastic
IntegrationsHow ToGenerative AI

Building RAG with Llama 3 open-source and Elastic

Build a RAG system with Llama3 open source and Elastic.

Rishikesh Radhakrishnan

LangChain and Elastic collaborate to add vector database and semantic reranking for RAG
Generative AIIntegrations

LangChain and Elastic collaborate to add vector database and semantic reranking for RAG

Learn how LangChain and Elasticsearch can accelerate your speed of innovation in the LLM and GenAI space.

Max Jakob

How to Set Up LocalAI for GPU-Powered Text Embeddings in Air-Gapped Environments
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How to Set Up LocalAI for GPU-Powered Text Embeddings in Air-Gapped Environments

With LocalAI you can compute text embeddings in air-gapped environments. GPU support is available.

Valeriy Khakhutskyy

ES|QL queries to TypeScript types
How ToIntegrations

ES|QL queries to TypeScript types

Explore how to use the JavaScript Elasticsearch client and TypeScript support to craft ES|QL queries and handle their results as native JavaScript objects.

Josh Mock

Using NVIDIA NIM with Elasticsearch vector store
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Using NVIDIA NIM with Elasticsearch vector store

Explore how NVIDIA NIM enhances applications with natural language processing capabilities. NVIDIA NIM offers features such as in-flight batching, which not only speeds up request processing but also integrates seamlessly with Elasticsearch to boost data indexing and search functionalities.

Alex Salgado

Using Elasticsearch as a vector database for Azure OpenAI On Your Data
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Using Elasticsearch as a vector database for Azure OpenAI On Your Data

Explore how to quickly set up and ingest data into Elasticsearch for use as a vector database with Azure OpenAI On Your Data, enabling you to chat with your private data.

Paul Oremland

Elasticsearch open inference API adds Azure AI Studio support
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Elasticsearch open inference API adds Azure AI Studio support

Elasticsearch open inference API adds support for embeddings generated from models hosted on Azure AI Studio and completion tasks from large language models such as Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct."

Mark Hoy

Elasticsearch open inference API adds support for Azure OpenAI chat completions
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Elasticsearch open inference API adds support for Azure OpenAI chat completions

Elasticsearch open inference API adds support for Azure Open AI chat completions, providing full developer access to the Azure AI ecosystem

Tim Grein

Elasticsearch open inference API adds support for Azure OpenAI embeddings
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Elasticsearch open inference API adds support for Azure OpenAI embeddings

Elasticsearch open inference API adds support for Azure OpenAI embeddings to be stored in the world's most downloaded vector database.

Mark Hoy